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Meadville, Pennsylvania

Meadville is small city and is the county seat of the rural Crawford County. It was the first settlement in northwest Pennsylvania and played an important role in the 18th century for the French and English in regard to the trapping trade route that existed between Pittsburgh and Erie.

Today Meadville is a town the embodies the spirit of small-town America and is home to Allegheny College. It was once rated in the 1990's as one of the most honest towns in America by Reader's Digest Magazine. Although not as bustling as it once was in the early 1900's, Meadville offers a variety of amenities and opportunities including high quality education from elementary school through college, low cost of living, low crime, and a pleasant community spirit. There has been a recent wave of small businesses opening in Meadville that have fostered this community commitment to not being a "cookie-cutter" town of the same strip malls and chain stores found around the country.

Recent city comments:

  • Rainbow Lake, Matt (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Can I legally fish here with a valid fishing license?
  • Pittsburgh Bagel & Coffee Co., czsieyjh wrote 15 years ago:
    I graduated from Allegheny 3 years ago and I've yet to find another bagel place anywhere near as good as Pittsburgh Bagel & Coffee Co. I really miss this place.
  • Meadville Medical Center (storage facility), pensfan_11 wrote 15 years ago:
    Thanks brickheadbs, I updated the description of this location so it now more accurate.
  • Meadville Medical Center (storage facility), brickheadbs (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    The building is now part of Meadville Medical Center being used as a warehouse.
  • Walgreens, joemoedee (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Is being developed as a Walgreen's
more comments...
Meadville, Pennsylvania on the map.

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